Thursday 23 August 2018

Kbal Chhay

The Kbal Chhay Waterfall is located in Khan Prey Nob, Preah Sihanouk province. Tourists can travel from Sihanoukville National Road 4 to the North 7 kilometers and turn left into Street 217, about 9 km to the natural scenic waterfalls of the scenery of Cambodia that make you Visit the unforgettable of its elegance. The Kbal Chhay Waterfall has a lot of water from many other mountain ranges, but to the point of the Kbal Chhay the rest of the water source Three waterways for flowing from 2 to 4 meters high. The flow of water to the point of waterway is only one of the most inundated waters and drops to 14 meters of water, most of them tourists prefer. Take a bath at the falls. Kbal Chhay
Waterfall has the most picturesque scenery in the rainy season between July and October and the cold weather in the area. Paul with the waterfalls forming bubbles, the white water, the peaks of the sea, the noise of the waves, the pomp of the beasts; The rhythm circulates tourists To forget the sadness. But during the summer, the Kbal Chhay waterfall has almost dried up, but it does try to shed beauty as well as water. Flows to entertain guests in every season. Today there are many tourists visiting and bathing because the waterfall falls from the mountains and The Rocky Mountains have breathtaking views of the sky, forests, high mountains and beautiful mountains, especially on Holidays or on weekends. . History of Kbal Chhay Waterfall was discovered in 1960 to 1963 and has been designated as the source of drinking water for use in Sihanoukville, but the construction was missed due to the war, and the area became a hideout for the Khmer Rouge. Until 1997, the area was transformed into a development zone. In 1998, the area of ​​Kbal Chhay was an Anco's conservation and development of the jungle, turning the new face into a suburb Interesting tourism after the beach in the provincial town of Sihanoukville.

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